Engineering Management Society of Serbia was founded in 2009 by a group of professional engineers, managers in engineering, academics, and industry leaders, whom have discovered an alarming trend in their midst. The transitional economy of Serbia, combined with the latest World economic crisis has had a profound effect on the society, particularly on its engineering segment.
Engineering management has been slowly outdated by popular business management trends and began seriously haemorrhaging its population to more financially lucrative industries such as media, banking, trading an management consulting. Serbian society as a whole has slowly become devoid of professionals with a classical engineering education upon which general and financial skills are built. Engineering companies, manufacturing industry, telecommunications, energy producers, bioengineering, and all „producing“ industries have begun a period of hibernation under the leadership of poorly chosen and inadequately educated individuals which have little or no formal engineering education. New ideas of production, technical skills, project budgeting and challenges of the future have been replaced by ideas of „outsourcing“ or rather buying ready made solutions. Engineering management profession in Serbia has de-facto become management of low-cost-cheap labour companies used for subcontracting in difficult to access geographic regions.
Yet, history clearly shows that the best managers and leaders have always been technically minded individuals with some degree of formal engineering education.
As a response to this growing concern, EMSS was founded.